Swarovski Crystal Bead Review
by Patrick Austin
Austin is a freelance writer who covers entertainment and
sports for Vainquer magazine, and a multitude of life topics
on PulseMed.org |
Looking for the best crystal beads available? Well,
look no further than to the Swarovski crystal bead. While there
are a few companies in the world manufacturing crystal beads,
the leader in the industry is Swarovski.
Daniel Swarovski invented and patented a crystal cutting machine
in 1892. In 1895, he moved his family and his factory from Bohemia
to Austria. Here, he had the water he needed to run his machines,
and he was far away from the competition. In 1913, with his three
sons, Wilhelm, Friedrich and Alfred, Daniel Swarovski built a
plant for the production of crystal, in order to provide raw material
of the highest quality. This is where the Swarovski crystal bead
was born.
The Swarovski crystal bead company uses only high lead content
crystal glass, typically a full thirty-two percent of the glass
is lead and lead oxide. The presence of the lead increases the
index of refraction, bringing it closer to that of a diamond.
The sparkle comes from light bouncing off internal surfaces in
the lead crystal. This is why lead glass beads have an attractive
sparkle and heavier weight than cheaper forms of glass.
The Swarovski crystal bead aurora borealis, which
is also known as AB, is one of the more popular coatings
that gives off a rainbow-like effect. Crystal Transmission, Volcano,
Aurum and Dorado are some other examples of special effect beads.
Swarovski crystal bead example
To this day, Swarovski continues to demand the very highest quality
of their products. This is really what distinguishes them from
the rest of the market. They are incredibly secretive about their
processes. Even their workers in the factories do not see what
other workers are doing so that they do not share any secrets
with others. Their cutting and polishing techniques are superior,
and it looks like the Swarovski crystal bead will dominate the
market (as of now, they hold seventy percent of the market share)
with their stunning colors and unique shapes for years to come.
Purchasing a Swarovski crystal bead is easy, considering they
are available in most jewelry stores across the country. They
can get expensive, since theyre the best of the best. If,
for some reason, you cant find the beads in a store, then
you can order them online.
If youd like more information about the history of the
Swarovski crystal bead, check out this web site: