Chinese Medicine Boosts Immunity
in HIV Patients
By Carrie Elizabeth Sklar, Pacific
College Media
June 27, 2004 is National HIV Testing Day. Though HIV has no
known cure, acupuncture has been proven a safe and effective means
of relief to many of the disease's symptoms.
According to the United States Agency for International Development,
over 60 million people around the world had HIV/AIDS in 2003,
and approximately 900,000 of those are residents of the United
States. Though acupuncture cannot cure HIV, it has been cited
by the World Health Organization to treat over 43 conditions,
including such HIV symptoms as headache, fatigue, aching muscles,
sore throat, swollen lymph glands, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
Traditional Chinese Medicine, which encompasses acupuncture and
Chinese herbs, has been used to treat AIDS conditions since the
beginning of the 1980's. Acupuncture raises levels of endorphins,
white blood cell levels and anti-body levels, thereby increasing
the body's level of immunity. Chinese herbs that have antiviral
and immuno-enhancing qualities can improve the quality of life
for many patients by reducing the potency of virus, rebuilding
the immune system, treating opportunistic infections, and compensating
for the side effects of Western medication. Short-term improvements
such as increased energy level, improved sense of well-being,
weight gain, and decreased stress levels are also added benefits
experienced by many who use this adjunct therapy. When compared
to current treatments offered by Western medicine, acupuncture
and Chinese herbs are reported to be less costly, less toxic and
have fewer negative side effects.