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Cellular Phone Faceplates

Cellular phone faceplates, they are the new “in thing” and they are designed for you…. You just need to decide which one is you. There are plenty out there for you to change your mind, over, and over, and over again.






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Cellular Phone Faceplates

by Laura Morgan

Cellular phone faceplates – Find your personality!

There are so many gadgets out there today it is amazing. Down to cute miniature “everything”, to flashy phones, anything that will draw your attention to the person utilizing the product to show off. Cellular phone faceplates are hot these days. They come in every kind of mood or personality you can think of, even for those certain people who mood changes by the hour (yes, you know who you are) well it seems they have every kind of cellular phone faceplates you can imagine. They are so cute, and manly, and silly, and outspoken… really…. There is one for everyone.

Now, everybody knows that in this world we live in today, we are all about being on top, being flashy, showy, and have to be noticed. Down from the insecure teen whom is trying things out for an “image” to those of us adults, still trying to find one. The cool thing about these cellular phone faceplates is that it allows you to vocalize yourself in a manner that is subtle, being that it is just a cellular phone faceplates, down to being so outspoken that your noticed for it. Just like certain people drive certain cars to sport their personality. What you drive, in most cases, supports your “style” and it shows your personality type just by the brand and model of your vehicle. What type of cellular phone faceplates you own, can say a lot about you! What design of Cellular phone faceplates says “this is defiantly ME.”

People are using their consumer electronics products to express their individuality.

I was reading that This year's Consumer Electronics Show has not one, not two, but three fashion shows, all out to spread the word: Geek can be chic. The shows are running all day, every day on a runway set up in the middle of the Las Vegas Convention Center's enormous central grand lobby. Male, female and child models strut down the catwalk, showing off the latest wearables and gear. It is not about just clothes these days.. It is so much more.

Every girl knows how important it is to accessorize. These runway shows, plainly, and boldly tell us just how much we pay attention every detail when looking at another person. What does that say about us?

Cell phones, handheld computers and other gadgets flash by, wrapped in Cellular phone faceplates and cases made in all colors and patterns. Gizmos perch on hips, swing from necks and loop around hands.

Loud music and bright lights punctuate each turn in this display of modern electronic style.

The shows have three different themes. The first show, called "Color," focuses on the clothes. "Freedom" focuses on the clothes and the gadgets that complement them, while "Future" concentrates on a "Matrix"-like vision of new e-toys, including a wearable computer that puts the monitor in front of one eye.

It’s absolutely crazy! Who would have thought our technology would be so awesome that we would end up wearing them as a fashion statement. I believe it started with ladies purses, and began from there…. I can’t wait to see what the next generation kids will come up with next… Maybe wearing contacts that change color with your mood? That would be helpful to all of us who cant seem to get a clue about the opposite sex, at lest this way, we will know her mood just changed – again.

Cellular phone faceplates, they are the new “in thing” and they are designed for you…. You just need to decide which one is you. There are plenty out there for you to change your mind, over, and over, and over again.



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