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42 pages of my
eBook, Powerful Body,
Peaceful Mind

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brian carter, san diego acupuncturist and famous author
Brian B. Carter,
author of
Powerful Body, Peaceful Mind:
How to Heal Yourself with Foods, Herbs, and Acupressure

powerful body, peaceful mind: heal yourself with herbs, foods, and acupressure

Feel Better, Younger...

Enhance your Health...

...and get 42-pages of my eBook FREE!


What are the newsletter and book about?

Well, now for the first time in English, you can benefit from the full scope of Oriental Medicine:

  • Revitalize and rejuvenate
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Boost your energy level
  • Ease tension, relax deeply
  • Think more clearly
  • Sleep better, wake up refreshed
  • Beat colds and flu’s in 1-3 days at most


"I enjoy every word of every article of every issue. The magazine is unique in its article selection, columnists, and presentation and very insightful and informative. Your magazine gives me a balance that I like. Please keep up the good work!" - Lou Rallo


All information herein provided is for educational use only and not meant to substitute for the advice of local experts, doctors, or hair stylists.
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