The Psycho-Emotional Points according to the Classics of Acupuncture:
Philippe Sionneau in New York City - June 8-9, 2002
Did you know Lie Que (Lu 7) does not treat sadness, but excessive
joy ? Did you that no ancient text attributes any kind of psychological
action to Tai Chong (Liv 3) ? Thus, do you know which is the most
efficient point of the liver channel in the treatment of psycho-emotional
disorders ? Do you know how the heavenly window points achieve
their action in emotional disorders ? Do you know why Bai Hui
(GV 20) has an action on psychological disorders caused by an
ascendant liver yang ? Do you know that Jie Xi (St 41) is a major
psychological point and how it functions ? Do you know which point
has the most pertinent action over worries, mental rumination,
obsession (spleen related emotions) ?
Do you know what the major classics of acupuncture actually say
about the psychological points of the second branch of the bladder
channel [Po Hu (Bl 42), Shen Tang (Bl 44), Hun Men (Bl 47), Yi
She (Bl 49), Zhi Shi (Bl 52)], and what is their actual clinical
efficacy ? At an emotional level, do you know the difference of
action between Jian Shi (Per 5) and Nei Guan (Per 6) ? At an emotional
level, do you know the difference of action between Shen Men (Ht
7) and Da Ling (Per 7) ?
This seminar will provide a clear answer to all of these
basic issues, and to many other issues. For the first time in
the Western world, it presents a thorough synthesis of the action
of acupuncture points on the psyche, according to the great ancient
traditional texts, such as, Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing (Book of the
ABC of Acupuncture and Moxibustion), Qian Jin Yao Fang (Thousand
Gold Pieces Major Formulas), Zhen Jiu Zi Sheng Jing (Book of Acupuncture
and Moxibustion to Help Life), Zhen Jiu Da Quan (Sum of Acupuncture
and Moxibustion), Shen Ying Jing (Book Consistent with the Heavenly),
Zhen Jiu Da Cheng (Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion).
The information provided in this seminar is totally unpublished
and is ready for immediate clinical application. It will change
your view of psychological disorders treatment by acupuncture
and will enable you to achieve better results in this field.
For more information or to sign up, contact:
Soho Herbs & Acupuncture
580 Broadway, Suite 607
New York, NY 10012
phone : 212-219-2887
fax : 212-219-3027
e-mail :
Sionneau is one of the most active searchers and teachers
in the field of Chinese medicine in Europe. He has published a
score of books
on the subject, in French, English, and Spanish. Both professionals
and great specialists of Chinese medicine have unanimously saluted
his work. He introduced in the West a lot of previously unpublished
fundamental data, particularly in the field of Chinese medicinals
and internal medicine.
He is one of the few Westerners who thoroughly studied Chinese
medicine in a Chinese university and became a graduate (Official
State degree from the People's Republic of China). He reads medical
Chinese fluently and his research is only based upon original
Chinese texts.
He teaches regularly in France, Switzerland, and Spain, as well
as in Canada (Montreal) and the U.S. (new-york). Due to his pedagogy,
precise knowledge, exactness, and energy, his teachings are always
deeply appreciated by students.
But his main passion is to help people who suffer. His medical
practice is based upon the Chinese pattern discrimination, and
he uses acupuncture, Chinese medicinals, Chinese dietetics, and
Chinese massage. He also tries to teach his patients simple health
preserving techniques from Chinese tradition, so that each one
of them is able to increase his vital potential, in order to prevent
disease and gain longevity and well-being.