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Hawaii Beach Vacation: Attention All Midwesterners - It’s Time!

Your Hawaii beach vacation may not be an actual trip, maybe your Hawaii beach vacation is all a state of mind!



Hawaii Beach Vacation

by Emily Burson

Attention All Midwesterners—It’s Time for A Hawaii Beach Vacation!

If you are like me, you live in the middle of the country and it is winter. Not only that, it’s been winter for quite awhile. You are tired and cold and tired of the cold. Something inside you wants to escape, and I say do it. Take a moment and plan your Hawaii beach vacation!

Break the Winter Blahs with a Hawaii Beach Vacation!

It may seem like the snow will never end, but there is one thing to make the next few weeks of winter seem a little less horrible: a Hawaii beach vacation! Imagine sitting on the beach, watching the waves come in and out as the sun sets over an endless blue expanse of water. Even sitting at my computer, I can almost feel the warmth of the sun beating down upon my pale Indiana skin.

Planning a Hawaii beach vacation allows your mind to escape the dreary winter weather and focus on something more magnificent. Even if you can’t take your Hawaii beach vacation for several weeks or months, just planning it will make it so much easier. Knowing that you have paradise to look forward to may make the winter blahs a little easier to bear.

Can’t Afford The Trip? Plan a Hawaii Beach Vacation Anyway!

If you can’t afford a Hawaii Beach Vacation, go ahead and take some time exploring the web and what Hawaii has to offer. Use the power of your imagination to plan the perfect Hawaii beach vacation and then see what you can do to make it come true. Go to a party store and buy some lei’s and some coconut cups. Invite your friends over and have a Hawaii beach vacation in your house, with or without the sand and water.

Just thinking about the possibility of wearing your shorts and flip flops or your Hawaii beach vacation may help break the mid-winter blues. Your Hawaii beach vacation may not be an actual trip, maybe your Hawaii beach vacation is all a state of mind!

A Hawaii Beach Vacation for the Whole Family

Want more than just the Hawaii beach vacation in your mind? Talk to your friends and family and see if you can plan a trip with those closest to you. Other than the airfare, any trip is cheaper when you split the cost. Plus, spending your Hawaii beach vacation with the people you love the most will make your vacation an experience to remember. Enjoy your Hawaii beach vacation even more when you can share the memories with the people who make even the darkest and coldest days of winter bearable for you!

Whatever your Hawaii beach vacation, it is guaranteed to take some of the blah out of your Midwestern winter days!

Emily Burson is a 2001 graduate of Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. She has worked as a copywriter, is an avid scrapbooker, and loves to travel. She's been to Costa Rica, Venezuela, and Honduras, as well as many U.S. states.



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