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Hope Faith Love Bracelet: Demonstrate Your Love

Are you willing to put on a pink Hope Faith Love bracelet and show how much you care?




Hope Faith Love Bracelet

by Dr. John Luton

Want to help fund cancer research? Get a Hope Faith Love bracelet!

If you’re looking for a way to do something constructive while making a cool fashion statement, why not consider buying a pink Hope Faith Love bracelet to fund cancer research? They’re not very expensive – only a few dollars – but the benefits extend to so many people. People whose lives have been altered forever by breast cancer.

Do you know someone who’s battling breast cancer? You probably know several people who’ve experienced this devastating disease. If you don’t know anyone personally, I’m sure you’re aware of someone who does. What you may not know is that more than 40,000 women die of breast cancer each year. When you consider the partners, family members and friends of persons with breast cancer, you’ve increased that number drastically.

Would you wear a Hope Faith Love bracelet for someone you care about?

I teach world literature classes at a university and I’m always asking my students, “What would you do for someone you love?” Their answers continually amaze me. I hear responses such as, “I’d die for my father or mother.” Or, “I’d take a bullet for my best friend.”

Well, I’m certainly not asking anyone to lay down his or her life – even for such an important cause. But I am asking you to consider wearing a Hope Faith Love bracelet. That’s right – the pink one that has these three words printed right on the bracelet so everyone can read them. Now that so many people have become aware of what the Faith Hope Love bracelet stands for, you’d have a great opportunity to make a significant statement. You’d also be supporting further cancer research.

What would you think if you saw a Hope Faith Love bracelet on someone’s arm?

I’m going to ask you to use your imagination for just a moment. If you, or someone you love, suffered from breast cancer – and you saw someone wearing a Hope Faith Love bracelet – how might that make you feel? I know it’s impossible to fully appreciate what another person is going through, but don’t you think you might feel some emotional support from that person?

Knowing that someone else cares enough to buy a Hope Faith Love bracelet and wear it might very well provide an emotional boost to a person who’s suffering from breast cancer. People who suffer from breast cancer, as well as their family members and friends, often share how much they appreciate this small gesture that costs so little and means so much.

Faith Hope Love bracelets are available everywhere. Get yours today!

So how about you? Are you willing to put on a pink Hope Faith Love bracelet and show how much you care? If so, get yours today. You’ll probably never know just how many people will thank you from the bottom of their hearts.

Thanks for caring!

About the Author: Dr. John W. Luton

Before joining the mass communication faculty at Elizabeth City State University in North Carolina, Dr. Luton served as pastor of churches in Maryland and North Carolina for almost 20 years.

Growing up in northeastern North Carolina, John Luton marveled as his father told stories about his childhood and World War II adventures. Bluebird in Belgium relates those wonderful stories.

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