Live Strong

Live Strong is a pump you up concept that works! Why? Because it's gutsy and Lance Armstrong's story is an almost miraculous one.


Live Strong

by Teddi McDonald

Live Strong, It's All About Attitude!

Live Strong is a pump you up concept that works! Why? Because it's gutsy and Lance Armstrong's story is an almost miraculous one. Armstrong had cancer that should have been incurable, but he recovered and went on to win the Tour De France six times in a row! If that's not inspiring, I don't know what is.

The Live Strong concept is highly visible because of the yellow bracelets that everyone is wearing. Yes, it supports beating and surviving cancer, but again, it's about the very inspiring "Two Piston Engine that Could", named Lance Armstrong--who lights up the meaning of that bracelet with his success.

Lance Armstrong is all of us, who strive, who are determined and don't give up. Live Strong? Who doesn't want to Live Strong? Raise your hand if you want to "Live Weak!" Yeah, right!

Everyone is watching reality television shows like "Survivor" these days, but Live Strong is the ultimate "reality show"-- it's the best one in town. It's about bona fide survivors, like Armstrong which leads to its appeal and massive success. Live Strong shares authentic survivor stories.

It's us; you and me, at our very finest, and the closest thing to a real "super hero" that any of us will ever get to see or hear about. Wearing the yellow Live Strong bracelet on your wrist, means that you believe that the glass is half full not half empty. It's a symbol of the human spirit overcoming that which blocks the sun; it's all about attitude.

Lance Armstrong's Live Strong foundation is an organization that provides people with the knowledge and power that's been missing from the public arena for years.

It's a giant yellow flag, planted in a field with the words Live Strong emblazoned upon it. People from all walks of life, young and old, are coming to salute it.

The Live Strong Foundations says in its manifesto: "Take No Prisoners". This is the kind of attitude that makes Live Strong the impeccable, admirable organization that it is.

So why all of this high and mighty, melodramatic horn-blowing on behalf of the Live Strong attitude? It is because I believe it's the only way to be.

I encourage everyone who reads this to order yellow Live Strong bracelets, slap one on your wrist and join the proud. Wearing it says that you are one who Lives Strong, and if you are not a cancer survivor, you share the winning spirit!

I've always loved stories of survivors, of the underdog, of the improbable comeback; livestrong is that story.

If you go to the Live Strong Foundation website you will be regaled with the stories of countless survivors who chose to Live Strong. It will inspire you, it may cause you to feel gratitude for the life that is now yours, the good health you enjoy, or that you might enjoy, and you will get a sense of the impossible becoming the possible. Would you buy that for a dollar!


Teddi McDonald has been an internet marketing consultant for over 7 years, and a marketing and advertising consultant for 12 years. She studied with Jay Abraham, writes sales-grabbing copy, and has led many clients to online success. Contact her at

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More on Live Strong Bracelets
An article about Live Strong Wristband
Here's an article about the The Yellow Bracelet
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