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New Balance 574: The Walker’s Shoe, Substance and Style

Other manufacturers may spend many more millions on advertising than the company does on the New Balance 574, but they may also be guilty of what is known in kung fu parlance as “flower fist and brocade kick.”





New Balance 574

by Bob Ellal

New Balance Athletic Shoes are for the person who is serious about getting into shape or having good, comfortable footwear but is not swayed by the latest trends, glitzy advertising or celebrity endorsers. The New Balance 574 is a perfect example of the company’s philosophy about shoemaking: It’s is a lightweight, flexible walking shoe with substantial cushioning that makes it ideal for moderate-paced fitness walking. It has leather uppers and it’s made for both men and women. At a retail cost of about 60 dollars, it’s a bargain.

New Balance favors substance over style. Other manufacturers may spend many more millions on advertising than the company does on the New Balance 574, but they may also be guilty of what is known in kung fu parlance as “flower fist and brocade kick.” In other words, their products look impressive but lack substance. New Balance prefers to spend its budget on building an excellent shoe. The New Balance 574 is a prime example.

In addition, by buying the New Balance 574, you’re saving American jobs, as New Balance is one of the few companies to manufacture most of their shoes in the United States in one of their five factories. Since 1994 New Balance has increased their manufacturing jobs by 23 percent.

New Balance 574 walking shoes are perfect if moderately paced walking is an essential part of your fitness routine. The specially designed suspension system reduces wear and tear on your ankles, knees and hips. New Balance walking shoes feature nine separate components in their suspension systems, including an external counter reinforcer bracket that keeps your heel from kicking out from under your shoe; an N-ergy cartridge engineered to provide maximum heel cushioning and medial and lateral stability; and an Encap heel pad that adds rear foot stability and dispenses shock.

To help you in buying a pair of New Balance 574, here are some buying tips from the American Podiatric Medical Association:

  • Don’t rely on the size of your last pair of shoes. Your feet do get larger, and the lasts (sizing molds) in shoes vary. New Balance uses one of four types of last in the New Balance 574.
  • Shop for shoes later in the day; feet tend to swell during the day and shoes should be fitted while feet are in that state.

So go with substance over style—the New Balance 574.

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