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Easy Weight Loss, Lose Weight the Easy Way?

There is no such thing as easy weight loss. It takes three things achieve your weight loss goals— dedication, determination, and consistency.

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Easy Weight Loss

by Patrick Austin

Nope, No Such Thing as Easy Weight Loss

People today are always looking for the easy way out. That’s just human nature. In our society of convenience we expect a thing like weight loss to be simple and easy to do. Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as easy weight loss.

Believe me, I wish there was a pill you could pop or magic potion you could make that would melt the pounds away, but there isn’t. Just use your common sense. If there was such a thing as easy weight loss, why are so many Americans still overweight? I mean, doctors have stated that we are in a health epidemic with regards to weight.

The reality is, weight loss takes dedication, determination, and consistency. I believe the reason so many people are overweight, and even morbidly obese, is because they treat weight loss as a temporary thing (the easy weight loss thinking). They tell themselves that they are going to eat right and exercise for two weeks so to lose those extra pounds. But after those two weeks, they’ll go right back to their old eating habits. This strategy will lead to failure.

The “easy weight loss” industry needs to take some of the responsibility for this. People are bombarded with television and newspaper ads telling all of us that we can completely change their bodies in a week. If you see an ad like that, ignore it. It’s just a sales pitch. Make no mistake about it, 99.9% of the weight loss pills, patches, and creams on the market do little to nothing in terms of helping you lose weight. The companies that sell those products just want your money.

You cannot look at controlling your weight as a temporary goal. The emphasis should be on changing your lifestyle permanently. Eating healthy foods shouldn’t be something you do for a week. It needs to be something you do for the rest of your life.

Exercise also needs to be a staple of your lifestyle. You shouldn’t look at is as a negative thing. If you approach exercise with a positive attitude, it can actually be very fulfilling. In fact, when you exercise, your body releases endorphins that make your body feel very good.

Let me just reiterate, there is no such thing as easy weight loss. It takes three things achieve your weight loss goals—dedication, determination, and consistency.

If you’d like more information about weight loss, here are some good sites:

Mr. Austin is a freelance writer who covers sports and health for a number of web sites including,, and He currently also covers entertainment and sports for Vainquer magazine.

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