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Weight Loss Diet and Exercise

Look at your weight loss diet and exercise routine as a new lifestyle. Eating healthy and exercising will help ensure you live a long and vigorous life.

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Weight Loss Diet and Exercise Guidelines
by Patrick Austin


Okay, you’re finally ready to take on the task of losing weight. You’ve accepted the fact that in order to achieve your fat loss goals, you need to begin an exercise routing and change your eating habits from fat-fill meals to a reduced calorie, weight loss diet.

Here is some basic information and guidelines you can use to achieve your goals in a reasonable amount of time. Now, I’m not promising you will drop thirty pounds in two weeks. Anyone who promises you that is selling you fool's gold.

A realistic time frame to see results would be three to four months. But you shouldn’t consider this a temporary thing. Look at your weight loss diet and exercise routine as a new lifestyle. Eating healthy and exercising will help ensure you live a long and vigorous life.

Food Guidelines for Your Weight Loss Diet:

Cut out simple carbohydrates like potato chips, french fries, and white bread. Replace them with complex carbohydrates like multi-grain bread, brown rice, and whole wheat pasta. Complex carbohydrates take more time to digest, so your body will feel full longer.

Eat six small meals throughout the day rather than the standard three big meals. Why? Because eating smaller meals will keep you full throughout the day, increase your metabolism, and provide a steady flow of nutrients into your body. Now, don’t think you can eat six super value meals at McDonalds and expect to lose weight. A good example of a small meal would be a piece of grilled chicken breast and brown rice.

Add more protein to your weight loss diet. Good sources for protein are egg whites, soy, lean meats, chicken, and protein powders.

Try to have an equal balance of protein and complex carbohydrates at each meal. Your body needs both. Depriving it of one or the other won’t help you sustain your weight loss goals.

Now that you have the basics for your weight loss diet, here is some info. for your exercise routine.

Exercise Guidelines:

Perform an aerobic activity three to four times a week for at least thirty minutes. Good aerobic exercises would be running, swimming, walking, jogging, or elipticising.

Begin weight training two to three times a week. There isn’t really a time frame for how long you need to weight train. The goal should be to do at least three sets with ten repetitions in each.

Do not over train your body. Make sure you don’t perform your weight training exercises on back to back days. Your muscles need rest to grow.

If you’d like more information about creating your own weight loss diet, here are some good sites:

Mr. Austin is a freelance writer who covers sports and health for a number of web sites including,, and He currently also covers entertainment and sports for Vainquer magazine.

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